
Standard Shipping

Free shipping is standard on all products. Due to high demand and International uncertainty, orders may take 2-4 weeks to arrive. Please contact support for any questions.


Insured Shipping

Added support for lost or damaged packages. Please allow up to 4 weeks for your package to arrive. If a package is stuck in transit for 4 weeks, with insurance you are entitled to a full refund. If a package arrives after you've received a refund, you may keep the items. Refund requests after receiving a late package will be denied.


Priority Shipping

Priority orders are always processed first. This means that if you place an order with Priority, your order will be processed ahead of any standard orders placed before you. Priority Shipping also includes insurance.


Returns & Cancellations 

Please contact support upon receiving package to start return process.

Cancellations within 12hrs of ordering will be issued a full refund. Any request after this time will be denied. If this is the case, please wait for your package to arrive and contact support to start the return process in order receive a refund.